exhibition proposal

Proposal for MAEP at MIA....

So while I have been gone, I have continued applying for the Minnesota Artists Exhibition Program at the Minneapolis Institute of Art. There are three deadlines a year, and with each deadline, one exhibition is awarded by the panel. I can’t tell you how many times I have applied, but every time I do, the proposal gets better. And every time I get a rejection, I call the program administrator to get panel feedback about my proposal. There was a deadline in October, and I got close. Real close. So I convened what we call the Art Justice League, three dear, generous, talented artist friends for chips and gauc and we tightened that baby up. There was talk, some swearing, I took notes and the phrase “juicy titties” came up; a productive meeting. And then one of these artist/friends offered to help me create a digital video of my proposed work in the space. Mostly I sat next to him and pointed at stuff while he made After Effects look easy! He made a sweet little video of my proposed drawn sculptures in the space. I could not have produced a better proposal. I submitted it 2/22/19. I am waiting for the decision. Fingers crossed.

Screen Shot 2019-02-20 at 8.26.23 PM.PNG

The video is too large to post here, but this screen shot will give you an idea. It was amazing! Thank you for all of your help and support!

Summer camps, tennis, mom taxi and exhibition proposals...

Have been happening this week.  This is my sons first full week off of school for the summer, and of course, I have got us overbooked.  There is tennis in the morning before it gets too hot, about an hour for lunch and then off to a birding camp on the other side of town at Quarry Hill Nature Center.  This has been the first summer in a couple of years where my son has wanted to participate in one of the nature camps, and it has been really fun to see him excited about catching a tagging birds.  I have been bringing my laptop with me to both tennis and birding camp, and I'm getting a lot done....two exhibition proposals for Minnesota art centers, a residency proposal for new work at Wesleyan College in the fall, and a SEMAC established artist grant for four person exhibition I will be in at Rochester Community and Technical College in June, 2018.  So much hustle.  I think the more you do the better you get at it all...I think my writing is improving.  All of these word and character count requirements really force you to get to the point. So this has been my view when I get too hot being outdoors...

QHNC home office

I have written a couple of these proposals for this large piece I really want to make:  

ballpoint pen sketch drawing new work

I want to make all of these smallish, but varied in size, breast like shapes. All the shapes will be made with the same painted sewing patten paper I have been exploring in my two-dimensional works.  The shapes will be formed with darts, gathers and sewn seams, and maybe even include some boning (like a corset). Some will be open and you get glimpses of the innards....some will be closed shapes and marred with massed stitches.  The value around all of these shapes will be black #1 eyelets (from hook and eye sets) individually stitched together to make this sort of curtain of texture.  I love the idea that when you are far away from it, it will just read as a value, but the closer you get, the more the texture and material are revealed.  And did I mention that I want this to be about 6-8 feet tall and 10 feet wide.  ALL THOSE STITCHED EYELETS.  I am terrified and thrilled at the prospect of making this piece.  I figured I would need 20 GG (great Gross) of eyelets;  A great gross is 1,728.  Maybe I have lost my mind, but here is hoping I get a grant to get it made.