a fabulous find...

at the Half Price Bookstore yesterday..."Push Paper," curated by Jaime Zollars for Lark Books.  I love this series of books.  Each is curated by a different individual and each book explores nearly 30 contemporary artists pushing the boundaries of their craft.  This is paper that is cut, layered, sculpted, installed; paper doing anything and everything.  One of my favorite artists is included, Elsa Mora, who I have mentioned on this blog.  Rob Ryan is also featured, and his paper cuts were the first I ever fell in love with.  His works are so delicate, romantic and lovely, in both image and sentiment.  


And then I discovered artist Chris Natrop's room sized cut paper installations.  I can't even imagine how he conceives of these.  They are beautiful and intricately cut, and all the more interesting for the shadows they cast.  


And once you start googling paper cut-outs and sculpture, you find so much more.